With the help of artificial intelligence, your child will be able to transform their notes into interactive learning tools that will allow them to study 10x faster, achieve better grades and and gain a deeper understanding of the material.
The Smartestway is a mobile app that uses artificial intelligence to turn your child's notes and other school materials into interactive learning tools.
With The Smartestway, your child will:
Spend less time studying and have more time for family and friends
Benefit from the most innovative learning methods that enhance memory retention
Accelerate their learning and improve their skills faster
Study and complete homework independently, without needing your help
Achieve better grades
On top of that, you will:
Save money that you’d usually spend on tutoring
Eliminate the stress of worrying about your child’s next exam
Enjoy your holidays relaxing, instead of studying with your child
And if your child receives a bad grade after using The Smartestway, we guarantee you a full refund.
What do parents say?
Since their children started using The Smartestway app, parents have more time for themselves and no longer need to take time off work before a test. Their kids learn more effectively and consistently raise their grades.

Trustworthy. We’re part of the team that created the well-known app for schools and parents in Slovenia - eAsistent.
Sign your child up using either your email or theirs, and together, experience all the Premium features for free.