Do you spend too much time studying?

Upload study material and learn with the help of


The Smartestway is a mobile app that helps you turn your notes and other school materials into fun advanced learning methods using artificial intelligence. This means you can get an A 10 times faster than usual.


Take a photo of your notes and test the Speed Learning game for free!

  • Upload notes in the form of a photo, Word or any other document into the app.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) organizes learning materials into a meaningful whole and extracts the essence from them, and then transforms them into interactive learning tools such as Smart Cards and Speed ​​Learning game.

  • You repeat the material by choosing your favourite learning method. You can just skim the Smart Cards or play the Speed ​​Learning game and find out how many key facts you have managed to memorize.

Read what students say about The Smartestway below...

I have gotten much much better grades with this app.


Anej D.

High School Student

The app helps me a lot. Yesterday I had to oral exams and I got A for both.


Anže L.

High School Student

The app works perfectly and creates high-quality notes.


Luke L.

High School Student

Since I couldn't read the material for school hundreds of times, I thought it was wise to download the app. It's cool because I can also find other people's notes, not just mine.


Isabella D.

High School Student

It helps me a lot in my studies. Even short emails on how to use the app come in handy so much that you don't even have to think about it.



Elementary School Student

I like the conversion that makes the extracts short and to the point.


Jasmin D.

High School Student

Your app is so good for me.🙂 I used to struggle so much with writing notes by hand, now I can get them in just 15 minutes. I really like it.


Ilhana H.

High School Student

The app works quite quickly and exactly as I imagined.


Nastja O.

High School Student

Converting notes into interactive learning aids works great as it covers the material in its entirety.


Emilia L.

High School Student

I saw The Smartestway on TikTok and was immediately interested because it makes learning easier that way. My first impressions were very good, as using the app is easy.


Tarin F.

High School Student

My impressions are great, but I expected more notes on the platform.


Lara T.

High School Student

The app is excellent and I also found the emails about usage useful. It could be improved by having a colored background.


Gal L.

High School Student

Interactive learning tools

Create smart notes

Create a new smart note in The Smartestway by clicking the + button (Upload notes). You can take pictures of your book, notes or textbook or upload Word or any other document. Before you continue, you can edit the converted text as you wish. Select the title of the smart note, the name of the subject and, if desired, the name of the professor of the selected subject.

Share notes with classmates and earn Smart Points

Every smart note you create is also available to other users of the platform. Every time someone learns from your notes with advanced learning methods, you earn Smart Points. You can speed things up by sharing the link of your notes with your classmates. You can create it by clicking the share icon in the top right of the smart note.

Learn with the help of Smart Cards

Smart Cards are super cool smart cards that make learning easy, fast and most of all fun. You can find them in Smart Notes by clicking on the selected section. As you learn, first read the questions and answers to master the subject. To repeat, click the ''Evaluate yourself'' button and the answers will be hidden. They'll show up when you evaluate yourself. In the next round, only cards with a lower score will appear, while those with a score of 5 are already mastered and will no longer be seen. The cycle ends when you mark all cards with a 5. You can repeat the cycle several times.

Find the smart notes you're missing

Are you missing a certain material because you weren't at school? No problem! In the lower menu (mobile app) or in the search bar at the top of the page (web app) you will find a simple search engine with which you can search for smart notes by keyword and sort them by address or user. Here you can also check whether your classmate may have already uploaded the material you are missing. You can also click on the library (book icon) to see which smart notes were created recently.

Smart Notebook


Smart Notebook helps you unlock your superpowers of quick learning while writing down material and also later when studying. This way, learning becomes much faster for you and achieving the highest grades with ease. Try it out!


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Smartestway?

The Smartestway is a mobile and online app that helps you turn your notes and other school materials into interactive learning tools with the help of artificial intelligence. Your notes can be used by other users of the platform, just as you can use the notes of others.

How much does it cost to use the app?

The use of the application and access to the entire content in the form of questions and answers are completely free. You can use different subscription packages to use interactive teaching tools, and you can also test each interactive teaching tool for free.

What are interactive learning tools?

Interactive learning tools are the essence of this application and allow you to use them to learn for the test as much as 10 times faster than usual. These are Smart Cards - smart cards with which you can repeat the material and test your knowledge with the help of random Pop Quizzes. You can also speed up your learning with the Speed ​​Learning game, which takes advantage of speed reading and control questions. In this way, you learn the material without even noticing that you are learning. Soon you can expect even more interactive learning tools.

What is the Speed ​​Learning game?

The Speed ​​Learning game takes advantage of speed reading and control questions to speed up your learning and help you read boring notes much faster than you think. By increasing your speed, your focus also improves, and with intermediate control questions that appear after each key piece of information, you check your understanding of the material.

Why can't I find the app in Google Play and the Apple Store?

It is not available there at the moment, but you can expect it soon. You can still use The Smartestway app via your phone. You can find out how to download it to your phone on the Download subpage.

What is Smart Notebook and where can I buy it?

This is a lined or grid notebook with smart accessories that helps you write down school material and summaries more efficiently. You can also connect the Smart Notebook to The Smartestway app and turn your notes into interactive learning tools even faster. You can buy it here.

How much money is 1,000 Smart Points?

1,000 Smart Points is €1.