#9 - Alexander Škof: Gold medal winner at the Geography Olympiad

In the 9th episode, I was joined by Alexander Škof, a 3rd-year student at Brežice High School, who won a gold medal at the Geography Olympiad in Indonesia last year. According to the total number of points, he was in 2nd place! In addition to geography, he also competes in physics, English, astronomy and science. He devotes his time not only to studying, but also to travelling and photography. Alexander explained to me in this episode how he manages all this.

Alexander Škof, 3rd year student at Brežice High School
IG: @alexander.skof

Martin Blazinšek, a teenager trapped in an adult's body
IG: @tinncek
Email: martin@growingup.si

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00:00 - Introduction
01:34 - Alexander Bishop
02:03 - Choosing the name Alexander

03:21 - High School Brežice
06:02 - Geography Olympiad in Indonesia
31:25 - Travel, learning and free time
43:55 - Building computers with my brother
48:09 - Fast&Furious
57:14 - Let's change the world

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